Page 8 - AJHM Summer 2013

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Volume 106 Number 2
AJHM Summer 2013  49
Carcinosinum and the Cancer Miasm
Food desires: sweet (chocolate), beef.
Food aversions: paprika, octopus.
Thirst: no thirst.
Sleep: talking a lot, grinding teeth (2).
Dream: nightmare (1): She saw an arrogant, moaning
queen and lectured her not to moan so much since the
queen was in a privileged situation.
Local symptoms:
Eye: photophobia.
Nose: She has a Japanese cedar pollen allergy--hay fever
Mouth: breath offensive.
Respiration: asthmatic cough < dog hair, common cold.
Abdomen: She sometimes has hard stools with abdomi-
nal pain.
Skin; About three months ago, her skin condition got
worse. Her skin became diffusely red, thickened and rough
especially she had severe fissures and cracks on her soles.
(See figures 1a and 1b: Pre-treatment photos)
: She has a very sensitive and strong character like
an adult as if she knows and understands everything. She is
obstinate and goes at her own pace, sometimes panicking
if she has to do something without enough time. She has a
lot of imagination and plays in her imaginary world alone.
She has a habit of saying “uh-huh” (like a tic) when draw-
ing or reading for fun.
She likes princess characters, especially “Belle” in “The
Beauty and The Beast.”
She has a strong sense of justice. She likes singing more
than dancing and loves to play the violin. She has a lot of
friends and is active, often organizing her friends.
She likes animals and the sea.
Fears; octopus, especially suckers. Ghosts, dark, roller
coasters, quarrels, war, malicious children.
There are several ways in which we can try to under-
stand our cases. Especially for chronic or intractable cases
who have personal conflicts which are deep and hidden,
and reach unconscious levels, we can seek several ways to
understand them through several strategies in homeopathy.
Please see Figure 2 for an illustration of the concept of
homeopathic strategies as pathomorphological levels. (6)
Using the method of complexity developed by Dr. Mas-
simo Mangialavori (7),
was prescribed. This
method of complexity focuses on the innate complexity of
the human organism. It concentrates on the patient’s adap-
tive strategies, the patient’s relationship to himself. and to
the world about him. This helps us to form a hypothesis
about the underlying structure of the patient’s system and
to discover a thematic coherence in him/her. We then seek
the remedy that seems to fit an analogy of the patient’s the-
matic coherence. (8) Fig 3 (next page) shows the analysis
of this case using thematic repertorization in MacRepertory
(Kent Homeopathic Associates, Inc.) Her themes were:
Sensitivity, Obstinacy, Love, and Destructiveness.
Figure 1a: Pre-Treatment
Figure 1b: Pre-Treatment