AIH Membership Application

Start Your AIH Membership Online!

You can use the form below to start your membership online. Although we use PayPal for secure checkout, you do not need a PayPal account, you can use your credit card to purchase.

NOTE: All memberships are subject to approval.

If you prefer, you can also pay/register by mail.

AIH Membership Application


Applicant Information

Select a Membership Category from the options below (yearly dues listed on each): See membership list to select the membership that is most appropriate for you.

Professional Information

Home Information

Please list each of your degrees below.

Please upload a copy of your license.

Please upload a copy of your CV.

The AIH publishes a directory of our membership. Please indicate what of your office information should not be published. Your home information will not be published, but provided only to AIH members. I agree to having the office information except where indicated published in the (select all that apply):

Professional Domestic Applicants

Please answer each of the following:

Are you prepared to practice homeotherapeutics in accordance with the AIH Standards of Practice?

Have you listed a physician reference?

Have you been convicted of fraud or a felony within the last five years?

Has any action, in any jurisdiction, been taken regarding your license to practice medicine within the last five years or extending to within the last five years? This includes actions involving revocation, suspension, limitation, probation, or any other sanctions or conditions imposes upon a license.

Have you been the subject of any disciplinary action by any medical society or hospital staff within the last five years?

Conviction for fraud or a felony, or actions involving revocations, suspension, limitation, probation, or any other sanctions or conditions imposed upon a license to practice medicine or disciplinary action by any medical society or hospital staff, after due notice and hearing, may result in censure , suspension, or expulsion of a direct member, The Health Care Quality Improvement Act requires professional societies to report certain professional review actions that adversely affect membership, including denial of membership, to the National Practitioner Data Bank

Professional Reference


Please enter street city, state and zip.


To the best of my knowledge, I have answered the above questions fully and honestly. I agree to abide by the By-Laws of the American Institute of Homeopathy, to pay all dues, fees and assessments in a timely fashion , and to conduct my practice in an ethical manner.

Member Benefits

  • The American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine is published quarterly as a digital edition and once a year in print.   The digital online  versions are available in the Members’ Only section of website.
  • Participation in Members Only Yahoo group for online discussions (optional) regarding clinical, research, political and other homeopathic matters.
  • Publication of your information (optional) in the online directory of practitioners (see the Find a Licensed Homeopathic Practitioner link).   The online directory is promoted regularly on social media.
  • Access to the Members Only section of the website which is continually updated with interesting documents and recorded webinars.
  • Discount registration fees for all AIH conferences/seminars.
  • Representation at the legislative and regulatory levels of government through the AIH  membership on the Policy Council of the Integrative Healthcare Policy Consortium.
  • A voice in the organization through voting privileges for Active Members.
  • An opportunity to be elected to the Board of Trustees of the American Institute of Homeopathy.
  • Automatic membership in the Liga Medicorum Homeopathy Internationalis, the renowned international homeopathic medical league (est. 1925), renewed annually, which brings you directly the bi-annually published LMHI newsletter and The Liga Letter
  • The opportunity to attend LMHI International Congresses in a different country each year, held annually.


Other Discounts for all AIH Members

Washington Homeopathic Products

25% discount off all orders for homeopathic remedies from Washington Homeopathic Products.

Membership Levels:

Regular: Active

Annual membership – $350 per year

MD,DO,ND, NMD, DDS, DMD, NP, PA who holds a valid license to practice his/her profession in the U.S.

Regular, active membership applicants you will be asked to provide a copy of your current license.

AIH Senior Members – 65 y/o, members in good standing in AIH for 20 yrs., Still in active practice

Annual membership – $275 per year

AIH Senior Members – 65 y/o, members in good standing in AIH for 20 yrs., Retired

Annual membership – $175 per year

AIH Senior Members – 65 y/o, retired NOT previously an AIH member for 20 years

Annual membership – $200 per year

In-Training: Active

Annual membership – $200 per year

MD, DO, ND, NMD, DDS, DMD, NP, PA, DVM who participates in a valid medical, surgical, or dental training program.

Members in-training you will be required to provide the anticipated duration of your training and its location.

Affiliate Member

Annual membership – $250 per year

Pharmacologists and Pharmacists.


Annual membership – $200 per year

A licensed foreign physicianCorresponding, (foreign) applicants you will be asked to provide a copy of your license.


Annual membership – $50 per year

A matriculant in good standing in an accredited school of medicine, osteopathy, naturopathy, dentistry, veterinary, pharmacology or pharmacist with an interest in homeotherapeutics.

Student membership applications you will be asked to provide a copy of your student I.D. card.