The American Institute of Homeopathy

The Voice of the Homeopathic Medical Profession since 1844

International Research Conference

Homeopathy – Groundbreaking Science and Global Health

October 17-19, 2025

Homeopathy Explained

Homeopathy, or Homeopathic Medicine, is the practice of medicine that embraces a holistic, natural approach to the treatment of the sick.   Homeopathy is holistic because it treats the person as a whole, rather than focusing on a diseased part or a labeled sickness. Homeopathy is natural because its remedies are produced according to the U.S. FDA-recognized Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States from natural sources, whether vegetable, mineral, or animal in nature.

The word Homeopathy, which comes from the Greek, through Latin into English, literally means like disease.   This means that the medicine given is like the disease that the person is expressing, in his totality, not like a specific disease category or medical diagnosis.  

Is Homeopathy Effective

Compelling Truths…

  • Homeopathy is a system of medicine used by over 500 million people and hundreds of thousands of physicians worldwide.
  • Overview of Global Systematic Reviews with Meta-Analysis:

    In October 2023, an overview of systematic reviews was published, analyzing meta-analyses comparing homeopathy to placebo across various medical conditions. This study included six reviews: four historical reviews published between 1997 and 2005, as well as two reviews of placebo-controlled trials by Mathie et al. (2014 and 2017).

    The primary objective was to determine whether meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) demonstrated a significant effect of homeopathy beyond that of placebo. Using established methods for evidence synthesis, Hamre et al. concluded that:

    • The confidence in the evidence supporting a significant positive effect of non-individualized homeopathy beyond placebo is Moderate.
    • When all types of homeopathy treatments are combined, the confidence level is also Moderate.
    • For individualized homeopathy, the confidence in the evidence is High.
  • Health care in France is rated by the World Health Organization as the very best in the world. It is interesting to note that 95% of all French general practitioners, dermatologists, and pediatricians and 75% of all midwives use homeopathy for their patients.
  • In 2011, Swiss government released an official and comprehensive evaluation of homeopathy. That inquiry was undertaken by a distinguished panel of eleven (11) medical doctors and research Ph.D.s. and was initiated by the government to determine whether homeopathy was an effective medical treatment option for consumers.For their review, the panel examined all available systematic reviews as well as the literature on all particular indications.Their conclusions: “after analysis of the reviews on homeopathy: in a three-tiered evaluation scale of ‘real world effectiveness’ (effectiveness likely, questionable or unlikely), homeopathy falls within the category: ‘effectiveness likely’. In summary, it can be said that there is sufficient evidence for the preclinical effectiveness and the clinical efficacy of homeopathy (evidence grades I & II) and for its safety and economy compared with conventional treatment.”
  • Research scientists in twelve separate laboratories in the U.S., Russia, France, Italy and India have confirmed that homeopathy may well be the first form of nanomedicine (albeit natural) ever discovered.
  • In addition to 200 years of positive clinical outcomes and the extensive positive evidence for homeopathy found in reliable public health records, there are literally hundreds of basic science, pre-clinical and clinical studies (including very large observational studies) that show homeopathy to be an effective therapeutic intervention. See the research bibliography for more information.

Homeopathy and Global Health

Dr. Gary J. Smyth
President, Faculty of Homeopathy

Latest Issue of the AJHM

AJHM – Winter 2024

Volume 117 Number 4

Table of Contents

Educational Opportunities

The American Institute of Homeopathy is committed to providing educational resources to the homeopathic community and the professionals who serve it.  Below are some of the highlights of the courses and training we sponsor.

Academy of Homeopathy Education partners with the AIH to create the Acute Care Homeopathy for Medical Professionals Course
This customized educational program is designed for busy medical professionals interested in enhancing their practice and expanding the treatment tools available with acute care homeopathy.

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Originally held on: October 29-30, 2022

Watch the first presentation for free: Joel Shepperd –-“Syphilis: Microbe and Miasm

Conference Speakers View the Conference Speakers Bios

Featuring Case Presentations and a Philosophical Framework to Apply Time Tested Hahnemannian Methodology for Superlative Clinical Results.

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How Can I Use Homeopathy in My Practice

Licensed physicians have been prescribing homeopathic medicines in the course of their practice of medicine ever since 1810, when the homeopathic phenomenon was first elucidated, made public, and developed as a system of medicine by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a celebrated German physician.   His three major works are the Organon of Medicine (1810), the Materia Medica Pura (1821), and the Chronic Diseases (1828), all of which were written for physicians in their practice of medicine.   Homeopathic physicians are in practice throughout the world and homeopathy is officially recognized as a system of medicine by the national/government health services of the UK, France, Switzerland, and India, among others.

Since 1844, the American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH) has been the voice of the homeopathic medical profession in the United States.   Our membership is comprised of physicians (medical, osteopathic, naturopathic), dentists, veterinarians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacologists and pharmacists all of whom have additional training in homeopathic medicine.  Licensure is a prerequisite to membership in the American Institute of Homeopathy.  

A Candid and Unbiased Review of Homeopathic Research

Professor Robert Hahn is a leading European medical researcher, physician, and Professor of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at the University of Linköping, Sweden.

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