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2024 Collaborative Conference Speakers

George Dimitriadis, BSc, DHom, DHomMCCH(Eng), FHom(UK), FJPHMA (Jpn), FHISyd

Founder, Hahnemann Institute Sydney, George has been teaching and practising Homœopathy since 1985. As a practitioner he is much in demand with patients consulting him from around the globe, as well as in person at Hahnemann Homœopathic Medicine Centre in Sydney, Australia. 

He has given seminars at home in Australia as well as in New Zealand, India, Japan, USA, Canada, and Europe and has written numerous professional articles for various journals, including the Australian Journal of Homœopathic Medicine, The American Homeopath, American Journal of Homœopathic Medicine and its predecessor, Simillimum, Similima, The Homœopath, Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie (ZKH, Germany), etc. 

Publications authored by George include most notably the English language republication of Bönninghausen’s Therapeutisches Taschenbuch (TT) – The Bönninghausen Repertory (TBR) now in its 2nd edition, Homœopathic Diagnosis (DHD), and The Theory of Chronic Disease according to Hahnemann (DCD) 

Being driven by his passion for accuracy in research, George is well known for his detailed citations to primary source literature. He spearheads the ongoing work involving the examination of our original MM sources and the correction of the many errors evident in our standard works. The goal of this longterm project is the republication of Hahnemann’s pharmacographies, promising an exciting new standard of accuracy in our materia medica.

Dr. Jamie Oskin ND, DTBRm, DHANP

Jamie Oskin graduated from Sonoran University of Health Sciences (formerly Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine) in Tempe, AZ. After completing a general medicine residency at the Southwest Naturopathic Medical Center, he was accepted into a specialized homœopathy residency sponsored by Standard Homeopathic under Dr. Stephen Messer, ND, DHANP. Dr. Oskin was on the homœopathic faculty at Sonoran University for 9 years and has served on the board of HANP ( He is always active in the community, publishing well received articles (, speaking at conferences, teaching on various topics ( including the TBR2 method ( which he has himself been utilizing almost exclusively for over a decade. Dr. Oskin has been and maintains a telehealth practice focused on helping children with developmental disorders, especially Autism Spectrum Disorders. For more information visit

Dr. Nazanin Vassighi ND, GrTBRm, DHANP

Nazanin Vassighi is a Naturopathic Doctor and Associate Professor of Homœopathy at Bastyr University San Diego (BUSD). She graduated from Sonoran University of Health Sciences (Formerly Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine) in Tempe, AZ. After completing a general medicine residency at the Sonoran Clinic, she was accepted into a specialized Homœopathy residency sponsored by Standard Homeopathic under Dr. Stephen Messer, ND, DHANP. Outside of her teaching duties, she maintains a private practice and is a faculty supervisor at Bastyr University Clinic, training naturopathic students in clinical homœopathy. For more information visit

Dr. Juan Carlos Gamba, MD, GrTBRm, FCAHom

Dr. Juan Carlos is a Colombian physician, MD, with postgraduate studies in homœopathy. He uses homœopathy in his integrative medical practice as a pillar of treatment in the approach of pathologies of difficult treatment for which he is recognized in his professional field. He has been fortunate to be trained by renowned homœopaths, including his two main mentors, André Saine and George Dimitriadis. He has lectured to audiences both in Colombia and abroad, where he has received wide recognition. He graduated from the National University of Colombia as a physician and as a specialist in homœopathy from the Luis G. Páez University Foundation (UNIPAEZ) and is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Homeopathy. He is an active member of the Homeopathic Medical Association of Colombia (ASMHOC), being part of the academic committee.

In addition to his medical endeavors, Dr. Juan Carlos shares his expertise through a dedicated YouTube channel focused on teaching the application of the Bönninghausen Repertorization Method using TBR2 for the homœopathic medical community (

In 2023, Dr. Juan Carlos achieved TBRm teacher certification from the Hahnemann Institute in Sydney, further demonstrating his commitment to advancing homœopathic practices.

Denise Straiges M.A., CCH, RSHom(NA), PCH

Denise is fiercely committed to raising the bar in academic and clinical training for all Homœopaths. She is the President and Clinical Director of The Academy of Homeopathy Education (AHE), and established HOHM Foundation, whose initiatives include the Homeopathy Help Network, a not-for-profit, research-based initiative focused on delivering high quality, affordable Homœopathy care to all. Under her leadership, AHE was named exclusive educational provider for the American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH), the oldest medical society in the US.

Denise has taught for numerous homœopathy schools in the US and abroad and has been an invited speaker at conferences around the world in homœopathy, integrative wellness, and spirituality in medicine. She is a 2023 graduate of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Her dissertation, Contingent Evolution: Homeopathy and 19th Century Biomedicine explores how the uptake of bacteriological discoveries into the canon of 19th century medical knowledge was an interdependent and non-linear process in both orthodox and heterodox spaces. 

Denise’s work includes extensive, original, primary research into the intellectual origins of homœopathy, in particular, Hahnemann’s influences in The Chronic Diseases and the chemical evolution of the preparation of the medicines. In conjunction with HOHM Foundation, she has published numerous peer-reviewed articles on clinical outcomes and education in integrative medicine, and her dissertation was released as a book in 2023. She is completing a compendium of homœopathic case analysis with expected publication in 2024/25.

Denise maintains a busy practice in classical homœopathy with a focus on complex neurological and autoimmune conditions and provides clinical supervision and mentorship to students and professional homœopaths around the world.

Wendy Jensen, DVM, CVH

Dr. Jensen grew up in three different countries, landing finally in New Hampshire to practice homœopathic veterinary medicine, play violin, and raise her children. She received her veterinary degree from Cornell in 1987. After serving on the original expanded Board of the Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy, she was Executive Editor of their Journal for its first 12 years. She co-authored the New World Veterinary Repertory with Dr. Richard Pitcairn and has authored two other nonfiction books — The Practical Handbook of Veterinary Homeopathy: Healing Our Companion Animals from the Inside Out and the study guide Organon Reflections. Her novel, But I Already Said Goodbye, explores the link between animal abuse and domestic violence. Her experiences as a veterinarian, a teacher for the Professional Course in Veterinary Homœopathy, an advocate at her local crisis center, and her work in animal rights all come together to inform her lectures.

Kathleen Slonager, RN, DiHOM, ADS, AE-C, CCH

Kathleen is a Classical Homœopath excited to help people restore health and vitality utilizing the therapeutic principles of homœopathy. She is passionate about providing evidence-informed health information to aid consumers on their own health and wellness journey. 

She has over 25 years experience in healthcare as practitioner and leader.  Kathleen is a Registered Nurse, Certified Asthma Educator, and Certified Classical Homœopath. She is also past president of the Homeopathic Nurses Association and recognized nationally for her distinctive approach to providing care.  Kathleen is passionate about health and wellness issues and hopes to light a spark in others.