Sponsorship Opportunities Are Available
If your organization would like to sponsor “Returning to Our Roots. Utilizing Primary Homœopathy Sources to Apply Hahnemann’s Methodology for Consistently Exceptional Clinical Outcomes”, opportunities are available.
If you’d like to receive a sponsorship proposal, please contact Peter Gold at pgold@goldpartnersllc.com
Sponsorship Levels
Samuel Hahnemann Platinum Sponsor Benefits
- Prominent brand recognition as a major sponsor of the conference. Company name and logo will appear on all associated conference web pages as well as on event collateral materials.
- Brand recognition as a major sponsor of the conference on pre-conference and conference social media posts.
- Brand recognition as a major sponsor of the conference on emails to prospective and active registrants to the event.
- Brand recognition as a major sponsor of the conference on Zoom broadcasts of the event.
- Right to have a display table at the conference.
Cost: $2,500
Bœnninghausen Gold Sponsor Benefits
- Prominent brand recognition as a sponsor of the conference. Company name and logo will appear on all associated conference web pages as well as on event collateral materials.
- Brand recognition as a major sponsor of the conference on Zoom broadcasts of the event.
- Right to have a display table at the conference.
Cost: $1,000
Constantine Hering Silver Sponsor Benefits
- Prominent brand recognition as a sponsor of the conference. Company name and logo will appear on all associated conference web pages as well as on event collateral materials.
- Brand recognition as a sponsor of the conference on Zoom broadcasts of the event.
Cost: $500