Homeopathic PuZZle? Spring 2024

Therefore, one will never cure according to nature—that is homoeopathically—unless one considers the mental and emotional changes along with the other symptoms in all cases of disease, even acute ones, and unless for treatment one chooses from among the remedies a disease agent that can produce an emotional or mental state of its own similar to that of the disease as well as other symptoms similar to those of the disease.”

(Hahnemann, S. MD. Aphorism 213. Organon of Medicine. 6th ed. Translation by J. Kunzli, MD, A. Naude, P. Pendleton. (1st ed.) JP Tarcher; 1982. p. 84.)

“This tall, thin man, brought up on the rocky coast of Massachusetts, wanted a cure for his very frequent and severe colds. On the first symptoms given, I gave him Kali-bi (Kali bichromicum ). This remedy helped through three attacks, but convalescence was too slow and incomplete. On his health background, I then prescribed Tub. (Tuberculinum ), but this, too, did not reach the depths of the case. Then I perceived that he had deep nervous symptoms, began to question him further in this field, and was amply rewarded:

  • Acute self-consciousness: realizes it but cannot get away from it.
  • Fear of confinement: desperate, if difficult to get out of a crowd or an audience. Must have end seat or back seat, hated crowds, panicky unless on the outskirts.
  • Fear of high places, of bridges, in elevators.
  • Fear of disease, therefore afraid to travel alone.
  • Cannot stand extra responsibility, causes timidity.
  • Apprehension of failure.
  • Imagination pictures disaster if someone does not meet an appointment promptly.
  • Worries as to whether he will be dead when he dies.
  • Angry easily and then sick from it.
  • Miserable for fear these symptoms make him appear effeminate.
  • Physical symptoms in consequence of these mental sufferings: chill, faintness, profuse cold perspiration and especially accumulation of gas in stomach and intestines; tendency to walk faster and faster when nervous. Endurance low; sleep much disturbed.

Of course, you know the remedy ___________ .

(See page 34 of the Spring 2024 AJHM for the answer.)

AJHM – Spring 2024

Volume 117 Number 1

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