Supportive Homeopathic Care in Advanced Pathologies with special reference to Clinical Remedies

Dr. Alok Pareek, MD
Dr. Aditya Pareek, MD
Pareek Hospital & Research Centre
Agra (India)

Pareek Hospital and Research Centre, Agra, India is a modern and internationally acclaimed Homeopathic hospital equipped with an integrated advanced intensive care unit and surgical wing. The homeopathic outpatient caters to more than 250 patients with advanced diseases every day. A percentage of these patients are suffering from advanced pathologies where an integrated approach is followed with homeopathic supportive care. This seminar by Dr Aditya Pareek presents the approach and methodology followed by Drs. Pareek in the management of these cases.

  • Clinical Materia Medica evolved through the combined experience of more than 100 years of Drs Pareeks including organ specific remedies for various conditions.
  • Clinical Cases of advanced pathologies and a detailed discussion of the methodology to be followed.
  • Clinically evolved repertories and therapeutic approach to various conditions such as Post COVID complication, Post CVA rehabilitation, Chronic Kidney disease, Auto immune Diseases etc.
  • Role of homeopathy in palliative care.
  • Clinical application of Hahnemann’s Miasmatic Approach

This seminar is practical and aims to share clinically useful information verified in a large practice.

View Dr. Aditya Pareek MD’s CV

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