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Editorial: AIH Tidings

“Whether we regard it as a philosophy, as a science, or as a life-saving, health-giving art, we may well be content to devote our lives to its exposition, elucidation and advancement ….
Homoeopata sum: nihil homeopathici a me alienum puto.
[I am a homeopath, I regard as nothing as belonging to homeopathy as foreign to me]
If anyone wishes to know what is my religion, I reply, I am a Homoeopath.
My politics? I am a Homoeopath. My fatherland? Homoeopathy. With me, Homoeopathy is first, and second, and third, and everything else that is desirable comes after that.”1
Dear Reader, Welcome to the Fall Edition of our Journal! First of all, I would like to invite all our members and readers to attend the annual AIH Conference on October 29th and October 30th. We have an exciting line up of speakers on both days! The first day we will discuss chronic disease, miasmatic approaches, materia medica pura update, approaching the case from anew, and homeopathy on the Native American reservation. Our speakers are George Dimitriadis, Dr. Andrea Flores and Rosario Sanchez Caballero, Joel Shepperd, Tim Fior, Karl Robinson, and Lauren Fox. The second day, we have a Covid homeopathic treatment update, Polarity Analysis introduction, Vitalism and homeopathy, Lessons from the Pandemic, Politics and Homeopathy: A Tribute to Jim Turner; Building Capacity in Homeopathy Research and Transforming Clinical Work into Meaningful Publications, and information about a Long-Covid Homeopathic Treatment Study. Our speakers will be Gyandas Wadhwani, Tim Shannon, Flo McPherson, Paola Brown, Alastair Gray, Elizabeth Rice and Jennifer Jacobs. Please learn more about this conference. In this issue we feature a remarkable historical letter from South India of great significance for today and a hero of homeopathy as a trailblazer in the 19th century. We also feature three great cases to underline the greatness of the homeopathic method yet once again. Our puzzle will raise the sometimes-difficult question of what is acute in a case and what is chronic when both are cured. And last but certainly not least, we have a wonderful tribute to Nick Nossaman by Sandra Chase, MD, DHt. As always, I invite your comments, suggestions, letters to the editor, and, of course, articles, which help us all to be better healers and homeopaths! Alex BekkerWarm regards, Alex Bekker, MD, ABIHM, FAIS President, American Institute of Homeopathy Editor, AJHM
  1. Clarke, JH. The Enthusiasm of Homoeopathy with the Story of a Great Enthusiast. (Reprinted from the Journal of the British Homoeopathic Society, January, 1907). London: Homoeopathic Publishing Co. 1907. p 9.