Polarity Analysis: An Educational Revolution in Homeopathy

Presented by Tim Shannon, ND, DHANP


Polarity Analysis (PA) is a classical form of homeopathy based on Boenninghausen’s Repertory updated with Bayesian analytics. It is a “smart” system that is research based. It assists homeopaths to achieve a documented 80% success rate. Dr. Heiner Frei designed the system to be markedly less complex to learn and practice. Dr. Frie has long been using this system in his busy practice to see 40 + patients per day. 

The “back-end” of PA is Boenninghausen’s Repertory. The repertory was greatly refined and updated by Dr. Frei to enable greater efficacy and efficiency. Dr. Frei has conducted 6 outcome evaluation studies and 1 double blind crossover study validating and refining the method. The entire method has been refined down to the basic elements that deliver the greatest routine good outcomes. 

This positions Polarity analysis as an important innovation for homeopathic education. Given the system’s precision, ordinary homeopaths can begin to see good outcomes early on in their training. In addition, the system allows for a much shorter training path. Thus, it’s well suited as a bridge to train busy alternative med providers. Many busy licensed providers (Functional med docs, Nurse practitioners, etc.) considering homeopathy would be well served by learning PA. Of course, PA is also of great utility for ANY homeopath. The system can enable successful prescribing relatively rapidly.

This talk will be oriented to introducing the method via some cases. It will cover the research base and its development rationale. Participants will leave the talk with a solid understanding of how polarity analysis as a method can be utilized in the greater alternative medicine community, in particular for primary education.

Tim Shannon, ND, DHANP is a Naturopathic physician in Washington state who uses Homeopathy and Diet & Lifestyle medicine as his primary healing modalities. His original classical training came from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine and an advanced course of 5 years with Massimo Mangialavori. He practiced Massimo’s approach for more than 10 years. Then, after several life changes, he began to branch out and trial other homeopathic schools of thought. After being introduced to Polarity Analysis by Swiss pediatrician Heiner Frei, MD, Dr. Shannon began to use it exclusively due to its greater reliability, efficacy and effectiveness. He has used PA exclusively since 2017. 

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