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American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine

AJHM – Autumn 2019

Volume 112 Number 3

Table of Contents

  • President’s Message: Important Upcoming Events
  • Editorial: Broadening Homeopathy’s Appeal
  • Guest Editorial: What Should We Talk About?
  • Of Some Interest
  • In the News
  • Obituary: Prof. Dr. Eugenio Candegabe
  • In Memoriam: Phillip Bonnett, MD
  • Organon: Types in Homeopathy
  • Echinacea angustifolia: Small Remedy, Huge Action
  • Mancinella, Past and Present: A Case and Comparative Perspectives
  • Homeopathic Treatment of Anemia in Adolescent Girls

AJHM – Summer 2019

Volume 112 Number 2

Table of Contents

  • President’s Message: An Eventful Time
  • Editorial: Learning Together
  • Guest Editorial: Does Anyone Need the AIH?
  • In the News
  • Feature Article: Grand Map of Curative Medicine §1- §6
  • Summary of Kali muriaticum for the Materia Medica Pura Project
  • An Acute Case of Gingivitis: The Importance of Taking a Complete Case
  • Report from the Trenches: Chronic Lyme Disease, etc
  • Individualized Homeopathy Reduces Symptoms of Chronic Chikungunya in Haiti: A Pilot Data-Collection Project
  • Book Review: How to End the Autism Epidemic by J.B. Handley



Feature Article: Grand Map of Curative Medicine §1- §6 Joel Shepperd, MD

Abstract: In Aphorisms one to six of the Organon, Hahnemann describes the framework that enables a doctor to cure the sick: The doctor must act from intelligible principles. He must know what to cure and how to cure with medicinal substances. He must practice preventive medicine. He must know the subjective and objective manifestations of the totality of disease. He must know that the cause of dynamic disease is nonmaterial.

Keywords: cure, intelligible principles, a call to action, obstacles to cure, gestalt, nonmaterial cause.

Summary of Kali muriaticum for the Materia Medica Pura Project Tim Fior, MD, DHt

Abstract: This is an extract of a monograph on Kali muriaticum prepared for the Materia Medica Pura Project (MMPP). This is an abridged version with a description and summary of the remedy and a few cases. The remedy is characterized by whiteness of discharges and eruptions and a concomitant of a white coating on the tongue. It is useful for the second stage of fevers and inflammation when there are white exudates and swelling. It is a slow-acting remedy that is useful for eustachian catarrh and many eye conditions, and the first stages of breast cancer with a soft, doughy lump. It is worse with fat or rich foods. It has been generally under-utilized.

Keywords: Kali muriaticumKali chloricum, Materia Medica Pura Project, breech presentation with complications, repertory additions, white exudates, eustachian catarrh, eye condition; breast cancer, early stage of

AJHM – Spring 2019

Volume 112 Number 1

Table of Contents

  • President’s Message: In Celebration of Homeopathy
  • Editorial: Welcome!
  • Letter to the Editor: Incurable Cases?
  • In the News
  • Wholistic Case Management: Homoeopathic Treatment and Lifestyle Modification
  • Cholestatic Jaundice Resolving After Homeopathic Treatment
  • Gestalt of §153 of the Organon
  • Something on Moschus
  • Large Scale Homoeoprophylaxis: Results of Brief and 31 Long-Term Interventions
  • Ultra-Diluted Toxicodendron pubescens Attenuates Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines and ROS-Mediated Neuropathic Pain in Rats
  • Book Review: Cancer: My Homeopathic Method by Dr. A. U. Ramakrishnan



Something on Moschus – a pure pharmacography1

George Dimitriadis, BSc.(UNSW), DHom.(Syd), DHomMCCH(Eng), M(Hon)JPHMA (Jpn), LiRF(HISyd) Hahnemann Institute Sydney

Abstract:Moschus moschiferus was originally proved by Hahnemann and its pathogenesis is explored in reference to original proving sources. Formative substance trials (provings) reveal spasmodic, hysterical , convulsive and ataxic effects with characteristic concomitants and specific organ affinity. A case that was finally cured by this remedy is presented in detail with case analysis and case management discussion. Discussion also includes non-homoeopathic old-school sources which further elucidate the pathogenesis. Hahnemann’s pharmacographies are unmatched in their accuracy of recording and reporting the consistent effects (characteristics) of substances, with remarkable fidelity to the original sources cited.

Keywords: Moschus moschiferus, pharmacogenesis, primary source materia medica, case of tantrums , ammoniacal odour of urine, impotency.


Large Scale Homoeoprophylaxis: Results of Brief and Long-Term Interventions – Isaac Golden, PhD

Research Consultant, National Institute of Integrative Medicine, Melbourne, Australia.

Introduction: The term homoeoprophylaxis (HP) was first coined by Burnett in 1884 to refer to medicines selected according to the Law/Principle of Similars to prevent targeted infectious diseases. HP medicines were first used by Hahnemann in 1798 and have been used since to protect significant numbers of people against a range of infectious diseases in many countries. This paper updates a recent analysis of HP use internationally, and examines a large intervention conducted over 11 years.

Aims: To present a brief snapshot of some major HP interventions in three countries and to illustrate to those who are unfamiliar with HP the extent to which it has been and is being used, often by Government-employed medical officers and scientists, in many countries. To use new data to analyze the value of HP against established diseases.

Methods: Using a previous analysis as a starting point, a literature search for new data concerning

AJHM – Winter 2018

Volume 111 Number 4

Table of Contents

  • President’s Message
  • Editorial: Final Message
  • A Case of Coccidioidomycosis with Erythema Multiforme
  • A Case of Vitritis, Iritis-Panuveitis, and Retinal Hemorrhage
  • A Case of Hyperpigmentation of the Skin
  • An Acute Case of Mania in a Bipolar Patient
  • Lessons from the Organon: Obstacles to Cure
  • Belladonna Stories
  • Homeopathy: Connecting our Global Community – 8th Faculty of Homeopathy Congress
  • The Legal Status of Homeopathy in the United States: A Review of Recent Regulations and Responses
  • Urgent Alert: Your Action is Needed with the FDA
  • 2018 AIH Conference Report: Tackling Patients with Severe Pathology
  • Book Review: Healing Cancer by Dr. Farokh Master



A Case of Coccidioidomycosis (Acute Valley Fever) with Complications of Erythema Multiforme – A Homoeopathic Medicine Case Report

Kathryn Purvis, ND1,a; Jamie Oskin, ND1,b; Jeffrey Langland, PhD1,2,c

Abstract: An eleven-year-old male presented to the clinic with fever, cough and rash. He was diagnosed with an acute Valley Fever (coccidioidomycosis) infection with erythema multiforme and was successfully treated with a homoeopathic medicine using Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocketbook (1) method. This case illustrates the effectiveness of homoeopathy for these fungal infections as well as the efficiency of utilizing Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocketbook method, using TBR2 (2), the most accurate English translation of the Therapeutisches Taschenbuch [TT].


A Case of Vitritis, Iritis-Panuveitis, and Retinal Hemorrhage – Ronald D. Whitmont, MD

Abstract: A 70-year-old-male with sudden onset of vitritis, iritis-panuveitis and retinal hemorrhage was successfully treated with the homeopathic medicine Belladonna after treatment failed with corticosteroid drops. The condition responded rapidly and permanently with progressive resolution following administration of a single dose of Belladonna 200c. Homeopathy helps speed resolution of many acute ophthalmic conditions, particularly when prescribed according to the doctrine of similars. (1)

Keywords: vitritis, iritis-panuveitis, retinal hemorrhage, homeopathic treatment of; Belladonna


AJHM – Autumn 2018

Volume 111 Number 3

Table of Contents

  • President’s Message
  • Editorial: The Value of Allopathy in a Life of Vicissitudes
  • Homeopathy Lives!
  • The Over-Medication Epidemic
  • A Case of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding and Hematometra
  • Severe Ulcerative Gastritis in a 53-Year-Old Woman
  • A Case of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
  • Celiac Disease and Homeopathic Medicine
  • Book Review: Do You Really Need That Pill?: How to Avoid Side Effects, Interactions, and Other Dangers of Overmedication
  • Requirements for Submission of Manuscripts

AJHM – Summer 2018

Volume 111 Number 2

Table of Contents

  • President’s Message: State of the Institute
  • Editorial: Obstacles to Cure
  • In Memoriam: Dr. Dennis Kay
  • Letter to the FDA
  • A Case of Acute Parotitis: A Homeopathic Clinical Snapshot
  • Failure to Progress in Labor: A Homeopathic Clinical Snapshot
  • A Case of Paralysis When Vertical: A Homeopathic Case Report
  • A Case of Prurigo Nodularis: A Homeopathic Case Report
  • The Wonder of Homeopathy
  • A Case of Ptosis in a Cat
  • Alan V. Schmukler Interviews Ronald Whitmont, MD, for Homeopathy Magazine
  • Research Review: Feasability of Homeopathic Treatment for SymptomReduction in an Integrative Oncology Service