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American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine

AJHM – Spring 2018

Volume 111 Number 1

Table of Contents

  • President’s Message
  • Editorial: Homeopathy and the FDA
  • A Case of Peripartum Cardiomyopathy
  • Lessons from the Organon: To Miasm
  • Three Cases of Severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Children
  • Topical Homeopathic Application in a Stage IV Decubitus Ulcer
  • Miasmic Consideration in Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  • AIH Letter to the FDA
  • AIH Member Letters to Scientific American
  • Homeopathic Treatment for Chronic Disease: A 6-Year, University Hospital Outpatient Observational Study
  • High Levels of Aluminum in the Brains of Autistic Children and Adults: Report on a New Study
  • Book Review: Vaccines: A Reappraisal by Richard Moskowitz, MD, DHt

AJHM – Winter 2017

Volume 110 Number 4

Table of Contents

  • President’s Message
  • Editorial: # Me Too
  • Lessons from the Organon: Acute Miasm, Acute Disease; Chronic Miasm, Chronic Disease
  • A 44-Vear-Old with Recurrent Upper Respiratory Infections
  • An 11-Vear-Old Child with Myopia
  • Three Cases of Age-Related Macular Degeneration
  • The Opioid Epidemic

AJHM – Autumn 2017

Volume 110 Number 3

Table of Contents

  • President’s Message: Homeopathy Under Assault
  • Editorial
  • AIH Letter to Congress
  • Why Homeopathy Matters to U.S. Healthcare
  • A Non-Inferiority Trial of Nanoparticulate Forms of Metallic Copper Adsorbed in Montmorillonite Clay on Wound Healing Activity in an Animal Model
  • Lessons from the Organon: On the Treatment of Pneumonia
  • Pneumonia and Homeopathy, Part III
  • A Case of Refractory Aspergillus Pneumonia
  • Five Cases of Pneumonia Cured with Homeopathy
  • A Case of Mycoplasma Pneumonia
  • A Case of Koch’s Pneumonia with Pleural Effusion

AJHM – Summer 2017

Volume 110 Number 2

Table of Contents

  • President’s Message: FDA’s Bias?
  • Editorial: “First Do No Harm.”
  • Lessons from the Organon
  • Report from Calcutta
  • Conference Report: “Wonderful Servants, Sharing In Mastery” by Roger Morrison, MD
  • Severe Suicidal Depression in a 28-Year-Old Woman – A Homeopathic Case Report
  • A Case of Autism with a 20-Year Follow-up – A Homeopathic Case Report
  • A 60-Year-Old Male with Lone Atrial Fibrillation – A Homeopathic Case Report
  • Vaccine-Related Illness
  • In the News: Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6 to 12-year-old U.S. children
  • Book Review

AJHM – Spring 2017

Volume 110 Number 1

Table of Contents

AJHM – November 2016

Volume 109 Number 7

Table of Contents

  • President’s Message
  • Editorial
  • An Open Letter from the American Institute of Homeopathy about Homeopathic Teething Tablets
  • A Chronic Depigmenting Skin Disease in a 32 Year-old Female
  • Member Achievement & Updates