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American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine

AJHM – October 2016

Volume 109 Number 6

Table of Contents

  • President’s Message
  • Editorial
  • A 33 Year-Old Woman with Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Measles Madness, Part II

AJHM – September 2016

Volume 109 Number 5

Table of Contents

  • President’s Message
  • Editorial
  • Pneumonia in a 60 Year-Old Female
  • Lessons from The Organon

AJHM – June 2016

Volume 109 Number 4

Table of Contents

  • President’s Message
  • Editorial
  • Review: Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophy, Part II
  • Measles Madness, Part I
  • The Map of Hierarchy and a Case of Autism
  • In the News

AJHM – May 2016

Volume 109 Number 3

Table of Contents

  • President’s Message
  • Editorial
  • In Memoriam: Robert Shore, MD, DHt
  • Review: Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophy, Part I
  • Current Measles Craze
  • Repertory Exercises
  • In the News
  • Member Achievements & Updates

AJHM – April 2016

Volume 109 Number 2

Table of Contents

  • President’s Message
  • Editorial: Iatrogenesis
  • Introduction to Repertory Exercises
  • Chronic Prostatitis, Urethritis, Fatigue, and Brain Fog in a 52 Year-Old Physician
  • In the News: Swiss to Recognize Homeopathy as Legitimate Medicine
  • Member Achievements & Updates
  • Requirements for Submission of Manuscripts

AJHM – March 2016

Volume 109 Number 1

Table of Contents

  • President’s Message
  • Editorial
  • Nephritic Syndrome in a Child with Wilms Tumor
  • Acute Thyrotoxicosis/Graves’ Disease in a Type 1 Diabetic
  • Obituary: Dr. Bruce Shelton