Karl Robinson, MD
Abstract: This case series demonstrates the effectiveness of the Hahnemannian individualized approach to the treatment of COVID-19. By the focused use of reliable strong characteristics (keynotes) of homeopathic medications, the results in moderate and severe cases are impressive. It is notable that many of the patients mentioned in this series were hospitalized and suffered significant pulmonary involvement of the disease as evidenced by radiological findings, while some had higher risk-associated comorbidities.
Keywords: homoeopathy, COVID-19, severe pathology, minimum syndrome of maximum value, nosodes, Typhoidinum, Streptococcin, Insulinum, individualized prescribing, post-acute COVID-19 syndrome, COVID-19 encephalopathy
Dr. Gyandas G. Wadhwani has treated around 2000 cases of COVID-19, and has reported on a handful of COVID-19 of such patients cured with homeopathy. All tested positive for COVID and all tested negative after homeopathic treatment. Wadhani prescribes on a minimum syndrome of maximum value, yet the excellent results speak for themselves. The following cases have been truncated [by me] while leaving the salient symptoms intact. Brackets signify comments by the reviewer.1
- 36-year-old female with productive cough, widespread ground glass opacities on chest x-ray (CXR). Symptoms taken: profound weakness in the chest making it very difficult to talk. Stannum metallicum 200C in water t.i.d. for 7 days. Day 6 (after beginning medicine): afebrile after 24 hours. Cough improved. Dyspnea improved after 36 hours. Energy better. Placebo. Day 7 tested negative, but complained of profound weakness and feeling totally drained. Typhoidinum 200C t.i.d. Day 21: weakness disappeared on the third day of Typhoidinum. CXR: marked improvement.
From email communication with Dr. Wadhwani: “The prescription of Stannum requires no explanation. Typhoidinum has been prescribed empirically in cases where weakness has persisted in the absence of other indications.”
- 50-year-old female. Onset of symptoms with painful sore throat and profound weakness. Streptococcin 200C in water t.i.d. for 7 days. Cured.
Wadhwani: “Streptococcin is a useful remedy for all infections that begin with sore throat or have that as a predominant or persisting symptom. In addition, the patient is thirstless and sensitive to cold. (Pulsatilla too is thirstless in respiratory affections and chilly, but prefers open air). Also, Streptococcin patients describe their sore throat as persistent dryness that is soothed but not relieved with warm drinks.”
- 69-year-old male with diabetes and history of kidney stones removed surgically three months before testing positive for COVID-19. Cough with sore throat. Fever 101-103 F. Shortness of breath, body aches, headache, weakness and diarrhea. In hospital for two weeks with persistent fever with chills. Not responding to hydroxychloroquine, steroids and antibiotics. Placed on Insulinum LM1 once daily. Afebrile after 48 hours. All other symptoms significantly improved except diarrhea. Blood sugar reduced, requiring less insulin. Discharged after 7 days of homeopathic treatment on Insulinum LM2.
Wadhwani: “Insulinum is useful in remedying obstinate infections, both in diabetics and non-diabetics. It has proven to be useful in painless suppurations such as pyoderma, painless or asymptomatic UTI. When the vitality is too compromised to even throw up clear-cut indications or characteristics or concomitants, it can be useful in clearing up any remaining effects of previous infections and their sequelae; viz. in constitutions that have never been well since an acute or chronic infection. Insulinum, which has been described by O.A. Julian and W. Boericke, is also useful for the tendency for recurrent diarrhea.”
- 65-year-old female with a past history of hypertension and a right-sided brain tumor operated on in 2003 presented with a dry cough, sore throat, fever of 102 F, dyspnea, chills, body aches and headache. CXR: ground glass opacities. Symptoms taken: she suffered a major shock 17 days earlier when she learned her son had tested positive for COVID-19. That shock triggered her present symptoms. [Facial] expression is fearful. Thirsty and asking for water. Rx: Aconitum napellus 200C in water b.i.d. Afebrile, 12 hours later. Within five days, all symptoms improved. Discharged 18 days after admission on Baryta carb LM 1.
Wadhwani: “Aconite can be useful for ailments triggered byfright, even if that fright has occurred days, weeks, months or even years earlier. The impression of fright is reflected in the countenance of the individual. Due to hospitalization, she continued to be on Aconite even after she improved. At the end of any acute illness there is a window for a prescription of a deep acting constitutional remedy; that is why she received Baryta carbonica LM1.”
- 38-year-old male presented with dry cough, sore throat, fever of 100.8 F, fatigue, dyspnea, chills, and body aches. Symptoms taken: intense fright on learning he was COVID-19 positive and insisted that his family be with him constantly. Had to have all the lights on at night. Rx: Stramonium 200C in water t.i.d. He was afebrile after 15 hours. All symptoms improved rapidly, and he was discharged a week after admission on placebo.
- 34-year-old female presented with dry cough, sore throat, fever of 100-100.8 F, fatigue, loss of taste and smell, chills and body aches. Headache for previous 15 days. Symptoms taken: intensely frightened after testing positive. Wanted company of family constantly and insisted that all the lights be left on at night. Rx: Stramonium 200 in water t.i.d. Recovered quickly after Stramonium.
- 5-year-old boy presented with dry cough, sore throat, fever of 100-101 F, diarrhea, chills, rigors and body aches. Known to be prone to respiratory infections. CXR: haziness of lower lobe. Symptoms taken: because of fever with flushing and history of respiratory infections he was given Ferrum phosphoricum 200C in water q4h. Afebrile after 24 hours. All symptoms rapidly improved and he was discharged 7 days after hospital admission with a clear CXR.
Wadhwani: “Ferrum phosphoricum is often overlooked as a remedy for pneumonia, most of the time because people consider it as a remedy for the first stage of inflammation only. However, the remedy cures persons susceptible to chest trouble even in later stages.”
- 46-year-old female, known diabetic, presented with dry cough, dyspnea, sore throat, fever of 100-100.5 F, diarrhea, fatigue, body aches and loss of taste and smell. Symptoms taken: she was teary-eyed, wanted company, had dry mouth with no thirst. Pulsatilla 200C in water q3h. Afebrile after 48 hours. All symptoms regressed and by the fourth day she was put on placebo; however, the following day she developed a low-grade fever and was given Pulsatilla 1M once a day for three days followed by placebo.
- 40-year-old female with history of intervertebral disc prolapse presented with dry cough, sore throat, fever of 100.8-101 F, diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, body aches, and loss of taste and smell. Symptoms taken: not thirsty, wanted to be out in open air. Teary. Desired company. Rx: Pulsatilla 200C in water q3h for 3 days. Afebrile at 48 hours. All symptoms regressing. Day 7 placed on placebo. Tested positive for COVID on day 12 of hospitalization. Slight fever returned. Rx: Pulsatilla 1M one dose daily for 3 days. Tested negative and discharged.
- 3-year-old girl presented with cough, sore throat, fever of 100 F, chills and wheezing. Known to have a tendency for chest infections. Symptoms taken: fever with flushing, cough worse bending forward.2 Rx: Ferrum phosphoricum 200C in water t.i.d. for 6 days. Day 6: much improved. Day 8: tested negative. Placebo given subsequently.
Wadhwani: “Ferrum phoshoricum has marked flushing with febrile affections (Belladonna, Ferrum metallicum) and the modality of cough being worse bending over and/or touching larynx.”
- 38-year-old woman presented with dry cough, sore throat, chills and fever 101 F, fatigue, dyspnea, loss of taste and smell, body aches and headache. History of recurrent respiratory infections, cured by Typhoidinum a few years earlier. Symptoms taken: amicable, involuntary tearing while smiling, grief over misbehavior of family members. Involuntary sighing. Rx: Ignatia 200C in water q3h for 3 days. Afebrile within 48 hours. All symptoms regressing. Day 11: relapse with weakness and body aches. Low grade fever. Typhoidinum 200C t.i.d. for 3 days. Recovered.
Wadhwani: “The prescription of Ignatia was obvious. She was one of the first patients to receive Typhoidinum, which had cured her poor physical stamina, recurrent RTI with fever and migraine a few years ago. The feverish feeling and weakness were similar to what she had been treated for many years earlier and she therefore received Typhoidinum as a constitutional remedy (after the recovery from the acute phase) and she recovered completely. Typhoid infections in their convalescent stage present with profound weakness. In initial COVID cases, similar convalescent weakness was observed. In the absence of an indicated remedy, Typhoidinum was prescribed empirically to remedy the weakness with remarkable results. However, it was not prescribed blindly in each and every case. In the later months, it was further seen that many COVID patients had been misdiagnosed as Typhoid cases and treated as such (by conventional medical practitioners), but later on diagnosed with COVID-19. A few research papers further highlighted how there was a false positive for Typhidot [typhoid antibody testing] in COVID-19 patients. In our experience of more than 2000 cases, in nearly 10-15% of COVID patients it has been prescribed with success, again when there has been an absence of indications for any specific constitutional remedy.”
- 34-year-old male presented with dry cough, sore throat, fever of 99.7-100.3 with chills. Wanted hot water bags even though it was the hot season. Fatigue, dyspnea, headache and chest pain for the last 3 days. Symptoms taken: much grief over mother’s death from COVID one week earlier. Involuntary sighing. Rx: Ignatia amara 200C in water t.i.d. Afebrile within 15 hours. No chest pain but mild discomfort in chest. All symptoms regressing. Despite improvement Ignatia 1M given on Day 9 three doses in 36 hours.
Wadhwani: “The overwhelming grief over his mother’s demise eclipsed his concerns over his illness. His family members, therefore, reached out for his treatment. Also, materia medica for Ignatia mentions chills better by external heat. In spite of the summer, with soaring high temperatures around 40 C, he wanted a hot water bag to relieve himself from chills.4 Ignatia 200 relieved his complaints and he later tested negative, but the persistent grief warranted a prescription of the 1000 potency later.”
- 59-year-old female presented with dry cough, fever of 103 F, diarrhea, chills, body aches, headache and disorientation for the previous 5 days. Admitted to the hospital. Comorbidities: diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, COPD and carpal tunnel syndrome. CXR: multiple ground glass opacities. Symptoms taken: disoriented, agitated, confused, tremors, episodes of slurred speech and muttering bhajans (religious songs) loudly. Because she kept pulling her clothes upward and exposing herself, the rubric “Lascivious” was also taken. Rx: Hyoscyamus 200C t.i.d. for 3 days. Fever reduced within 12 hours, absent by 72 hours. Other symptoms continued. MRI performed showed abnormalities in medial temporal lobes, microhemorrhages in white mater and old infarcts. Dx: COVID encephalopathy.5 Rx: Hyoscyamus 200C t.i.d. for 3 days. Day 7 (after beginning medicine): no longer disoriented and in control of herself. Bowels still loose. Day 9: tested negative and discharged. Five days later, speech still slurred. Weak. Coughing on and off. Rx: Hyoscyamus 1M t.i.d. for three days. Wadhwani: “The lady was extremely conservative by nature and at the time of the first visit only partially conscious, but constantly pulling her clothes upwards exposing herself. In spite of repeated attempts by family members, she managed to pull some part of her clothes off the moment they stepped out or looked—Organon §6]. Along with the other symptoms, the choice of Hyoscyamus was homeopathic.”
- 60-year-old male, known diabetic, presented with cough, fever of 100.6-100.9 F, fatigue, dyspnea, body aches, chest pain and oxygen saturation of 90-91 %. Headache for the last 4 days. Symptoms taken: fever with flushing, chest pain, headache better cold applications and blood-tinged sputum. Rx: Ferrum phosphoricum 200C in water q4h. Day 3 (after beginning medicine): dyspnea and cough improved. No blood-tinged sputum. Afebrile after 36 hours. Placebo given. Wadhwani: “Ferrum phoshoricum has headache better with cold applications as well as blood-tinged sputum.”
- 31-year-old woman presented with a dry cough, sore throat, fever of 100.4-100.9 F, diarrhea, fatigue, abdominal pain with a sensation of heat, body aches and a headache that was persistent despite taking analgesics. Before the visit, she had taken previously Arsenicum album 30C once daily for 3 days, then Camphora 1M once daily for 3 days. Symptoms taken: headache better closing the eyes, heat in the abdomen with desire to uncover that area, persistent nausea and vomiting with vertigo. Vertigo better closing eyes. Rx: Tabacum 200C in water q4h for 3 days. Day 3 (after beginning medicine): all symptoms better. Placebo given. Day 8: Discharged.
Wadhwani: “One of the singular modalities of better closing eyes, both in vertigo and headache, is found in Tabacum. It also has the singular feature of desiring to uncover the abdomen.”6
- 51-year-old male, known case of depression, presented with dry cough, fever 100.9 F, dyspnea, headache, body aches, chills, sore throat and loss of taste and smell. Chest pain for previous 2 days. CXR: multiple ground glass opacities. Symptoms taken: black stools, sweating on back with chilliness, desire for juicy fruits, weakness and exhaustion. Thirstless. Rx: Acid phosphoricum 200C in water q4h. Day 3 (after beginning medicine): afebrile after 36 hours. Normal stools. Weakness reduced. Not chilly. Placebo. Day 7: tested negative. Day 11: fever returned after receiving news of the death of a close family member. Body aches, weakness and chilliness. Thirstless. Rx: Acid phosphoricum 1M 3 doses for one day. Day 14: weakness and fever gone after second dose. CXR: improved. Placebo. Wadhwani: “Acid phosphoricum is one of the foremost remedies in our materia medica for ailments from grief, and with the other concomitant symptoms, it demanded a higher potency because of the relapse.”
- 16-year-old male presented with dry cough, sore throat, fever 101-102 F, dyspnea, loss of taste and smell, chills with rigors, body aches, headache and vomiting. Oxygen saturation 80-82%. Intubated and placed on ventilator. On steroids. Not much improvement after 15 days. CXR: multiple ground glass opacities. Symptoms taken: feet observed to be very restless; somewhat better after vomiting. Rx: Zincum metallicum LM1 q3h. Day 4 (after beginning medicine): afebrile at 36 hours. Weaned off ventilator. Oxygen continued. Dyspnea improved. No chills or rigors. Feet still very restless. Rx: Zincum metallicum LM2 q4h. Day 8: Oxygen saturation 92-93% off oxygen. Rx: Zincum metallicum LM3 once daily. Day 11: discharged after testing negative. Feet still restless. Zincum metallicum continued. Wadhwani: “Observing the persistent fidgety feet and amelioration from discharges guided towards Zincum metallicum.”7
- 32-year-old male presented with dry cough, sore throat, fever 99.5-100.5 F, loss of taste and smell, diarrhea, chills and body aches. Symptoms taken: strong desire for sweets, heavy sensation right hypochondrium worse lying on right. Milk intolerance. Anxious. Wanted to be left alone. Desired open air. Rx: Magnesium muriatica 200C in water t.i.d. for 5 days. Day 4 (after beginning medicine): diarrhea stopped after 24 hours. Afebrile after 48 hours. Day 9: tested negative. Placebo. Wadhwani: “Magnesia muriatica is one of the anti-miasmatic remedies mentioned in the practical part of Hahnemann’s The Chronic Diseases. It has also produced in the provings the loss of smell and taste. In addition, the other obvious symptoms like intolerance of milk, heaviness in right hypochondrium, worse lying on it, etc. led to [the choice of ] Mag-mur.”
- 58-year-old male presented with productive cough, fever of 101-102 F, fatigue, dyspnea, loss of taste and smell, chills, chest pain. Hospitalized and placed on nebulized steroids. Oxygen saturation 81-83% with supplemental oxygen. Given NSAIDs and hydroxychloroquine. CXR: ground glass opacities. Symptoms taken: fan-like motion alae nasi, perspiration on face, weakness, frequent thirst for small quantities of water, chills, increased appetite, dull and irritable. Rx: Antimonium arsenicosum 6C hourly until response and then gradually increased interval. After 8 hours on remedy, he began to improve needing lessnebulized steroids. Oxygen saturation above 90%. Weaned off oxygen in the next 48 hours. Crepitations auscultated at base of lungs. Rx: Antimonium arsenicosum 6c q6-8h. Day 5 (after beginning medicine): much improved. Oxygen saturation 92-93% off oxygen. No chest pains. Occasional left basal crepitations [crackles]. Appetite good. Placebo. Day 7: discharged after testing negative. Wadhwani: “A perspiring face with fan-like motion of the nasal alae and dulling of senses is a classic triad calling for Antimonium tartaricum. Antimonium arsenicosum has all the symptoms of Antimonium tart. (a thirstless remedy) but has the thirst of Arsenicum album.”
- 35-year-old female presented with productive cough, fever of 100-101 F, dyspnea, chills, diarrhea, chest pains. For 10-20. days in hospital on ventilator. Oxygen saturation 85-85 % despite nebulized steroids and supplemental oxygen. CXR: ground glass opacities. Symptoms taken: complete indifference to her condition, to her family and uncooperative with attending physician. Rx: Sepia LM1 q3h. Day 3 (after beginning medicine): perspired profusely after 12 hours and was afebrile the following day. Dyspnea less. Weaned off ventilator and kept on supplemental oxygen. Oxygen saturation 91-92%. Rx: Sepia LM2 q4h. Day 8: smiled and greeted those who entered her room. Complained of weakness. Chilly and hungry though eating little. Worried about the hospital bill. Off oxygen. Off nebulized steroids. Oxygen saturation 92-95%. Still in hospital as of this report. Sepia LM3 q.i.d. Wadhwani: “Sepia is often overlooked as a remedy for febrile affections. Reputed as one of the remedies for complicated cases of malarial affections, the keynote of Sepia is the indifference that runs through the remedy. The appearance of perspiration or any discharge (as per Hering’s directions of cure) after a homoeopathic prescription indicates incipient cure.”
Karl Robinson, MD, former editor of the journal when it was called “Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy,” is one of a cohort of rapidly aging homeopaths. In his words: “It is our last “Hurrah!” He practices in Houston and Albuquerque and has been teaching in El Salvador and Guatemala since the early 2000s.
- https://hpathy.com/clinical-cases/hope-heart-and-homoeopathy-clinical-experiences-in-the-pandemic-of-covid-19-case-series-volume-1/
- Hering, Constantine. The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica. Volume V. Philadelphia. Estate of Constantine Hering. 1887, “Tormenting cough when bending over or touching larynx.” “Expectoration of clear blood. Pneumonia.” P. 317.
- Wadhwani, G, Hernandez, K. Typhoidinum in Clinical Practice: Some Preliminary Observations from a Case Series. Homeopathy 2018; 107(S 01):55-78 DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1633344
- Hering, Constantine. The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica. Volume VI. Philadelphia. Estate of Constantine Hering. 1888. “Warm room ameliorates chill”, p. 168.
- Garg, RK, et al. Encephalopathy in patients with COVID-19: A review. Med Virol. 2021 Jan; 93(1): 206-222.doi: 10.1002/ jmv.26207. Epub 2020 Jul 11. “The patients having encephalopathy/encephalitis are either severely or critically ill. Many patients were already on mechanical ventilation.”
- Hering, Constantine. The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica. Volume X. Philadelphia. Estate of Constantine Hering. 1891. “Child wants abdomen uncovered, which relieves nauseaand vomiting”. P. 236.
- Hering, Constantine. The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica. Volume X. Philadelphia. Estate of Constantine Hering. 1891. “Relief of thoracic symptoms by expectoration; relief of cystic symptoms by urination; in male relief of backache by seminal emission; and in female, general amelioration from menstrual flow.” P. 557.
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The American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine (AJHM) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, specifically intended to meet the needs of physicians involved in the specialty of homeopathy. The editor invites original manuscripts, feature articles, research reports, 'Homeopathic Grand Rounds' cases studies, abbreviated case reports for 'Clinical Snapshots,' seminar reports, and position papers that focus on homeopathy, as well as book reviews and letters to the editor. Click below to subscribe to the Journal.
Latest Issue of the AJHM
AJHM – Winter 2024
Volume 117 Number 4
Table of Contents
- Editorial: Respecting Our History
- President’s Message: Our Goals for the Future
- Treatment of the Typhus or Hospital Fever
- Homeopathic PuZZle?
- A Case of Alcoholism
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Maths, Metaphors, and a Novel Ontology of Vitalism
- Book Review: “Conscientious Objector: Why I Became a Homeopath” by Richard Moskowitz, MD
- A Short Biography of Selden Haines Talcott
- What Has Homeopathy to Offer?
- Obituary: Dr. med. Wolfgang Springer
- Remembrance: Dr. Sujit Chatterjee