The more intense an acute disease, the more evident and numerous are its symptoms; while at the same time it is also easy to discover suitable remedies, provided there is a sufficient number of medicines to select from, whose positive action on the body is known. Among the symptoms produced by a great number of medicines, it is easy to find one that contains morbid elements, from which might be composed an artificial disease very similar to the totality of the symptoms of the natural disease that is present. This is precisely the remedy that is desirable.
Aphorism 152, (S. Hahnemann, Organon, Third American Edition, W. Radde)
Dear Reader,
It is with great pleasure that I submit to you for perusal the current issue of the journal. The section Of Some Interest will describe some of the highlights. Certainly, orthodox medicine’s current state of therapeutic bewilderment and near panic level anxiety about the novel coronavirus epidemic is not warranted for us as homeopaths. Many epidemics have been treated effectively in the past, and there is no reason to assume that this one is different as far as the adequacy of our state of homeopathic knowledge and ability. (See section In the News. ) There is a specific methodology of deriving the clinical genus epidemicus that must be followed and jumping the gun on speculating about the possible remedies can be counterproductive. We must wait for more treated cases, though some information has been published about the symptomatology in The Lancet that may prove to be useful. (
As always, I am looking forward to your comments, suggestions, and submissions.
Warm regards,
Alex Bekker, MD
Editor in Chief, AJHM
First Vice President, AIH
About the AJHM
The American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine (AJHM) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, specifically intended to meet the needs of physicians involved in the specialty of homeopathy. The editor invites original manuscripts, feature articles, research reports, 'Homeopathic Grand Rounds' cases studies, abbreviated case reports for 'Clinical Snapshots,' seminar reports, and position papers that focus on homeopathy, as well as book reviews and letters to the editor. Click below to subscribe to the Journal.
Latest Issue of the AJHM
AJHM – Winter 2024
Volume 117 Number 4
Table of Contents
- Editorial: Respecting Our History
- President’s Message: Our Goals for the Future
- Treatment of the Typhus or Hospital Fever
- Homeopathic PuZZle?
- A Case of Alcoholism
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Maths, Metaphors, and a Novel Ontology of Vitalism
- Book Review: “Conscientious Objector: Why I Became a Homeopath” by Richard Moskowitz, MD
- A Short Biography of Selden Haines Talcott
- What Has Homeopathy to Offer?
- Obituary: Dr. med. Wolfgang Springer
- Remembrance: Dr. Sujit Chatterjee