Headache / Migraine

Migraine headaches are an extremely common problem in both children and adults. In the United States, over 15 percent of all adults complain about severe headaches or migraines, with prevalence among women more than twice as high as among men.

Common symptoms include throbbing or pulsating pain, sensitivity to light or sound, nausea and vomiting, one-sided headache, and changes in vision. Many migraine headaches are triggered by internal or external factors, including the menstrual cycle, stress, fatigue, and certain foods such as alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, certain cheeses, and peanuts.  

Typical migraine headaches occur on one side of the head, but there are many variations. Some people experience an aura or symptoms that precede the headache. Auras can be visual changes, hearing changes, mood symptoms, and even numbness or weakness in the body. Some rare types of migraines have mainly nerve dysfunction with visual loss, hearing changes, balance problems, or weakness of an extremity with little or no headache at all.

The cause for migraines appears to be a spasmodic contraction of the arteries around the brain followed by an opening up of these same arteries. Many allopathic medicines target this spasmodic phase at the onset of the headache, while others simply dull the pain response or help the patient to relax.

Homeopathic approaches to migraines or any frequent headaches involve a detailed evaluation to understand a variety of factors that tend to make the headaches better or worse. These might be emotional, mental, or physical. For example, some women have headaches before the menstrual period, while others have their headaches only after the menses begin. Some people have their headaches primarily at night, while others are affected mostly in the afternoon. Some people have sensitivity to cold that brings on the headache, while others have sensitivity to heat. Homeopathic doctors take detailed histories of the entire person to understand an individual’s unique headache pattern.

Several research studies have been conducted to look at the homeopathic effects of treating patients with migraines. In 1991, a study of 60 patients using a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to test the effect of a homeopathic remedy for migraine patients found a significant improvement in migraine symptoms in the homeopathic treatment group. (Brigo, B., Serpelloni, G. Homeopathic treatment of migraines: A randomized, double-blind controlled study of sixty cases.The Berlin Journal on Research in Homeopathy. 1991; 1:98-105)

A second study, conducted in 2001, was not randomized but also looked at homeopathic treatment of patients with headaches over a 1 year period and found positive effects for homeopathic treatment. (Muscari-Tomaioli G, Allegri F, Miali E, Pomposelli R, Tubia P, Targhetta A, Castellini M, Bellavite P. Observational study of quality of life in patients with headache, receiving homeopathic treatment. Br Homeopath J. 2001 Oct;90(4):189-97)

In another randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial study, the efficacy of homeopathic treatment in preventing migraine attacks and accompanying symptoms was conducted. There was a one-month registration period without treatment, followed by four months of individualized homeopathic treatment or an identical placebo. Patients were stratified for common or classical migraine. Seventy-three patients were randomized, and 68 completed the trial. The neurologists’ trial evaluation showed a statistically significant reduction in attack frequency in the homeopathy group (P= 0.04) and non-statistically significant trends in favor of homeopathy for pain intensity and overall evaluation. (Straumsheim, P. et al. (2000). “Homeopathic treatment of migraine: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 68 patients.” The British Homeopathic Journal 89(1): 4-7.)

A prospective, multicenter observational study in was conducted in Germany in 2010. In this study, two hundred and twelve (212) adults (89.2% women), mean age 39.4 +/- 10.7 years, were treated by 67 physicians. Patients had suffered from migraines for a period of 15.2 +/- 10.9 years. Most patients (90.0%) were conventionally pretreated. The physician workload included taking the initial patient history (120 +/- 45 minutes), case analysis (40 +/- 47 minutes), and follow-ups (7.3 +/- 7.0, totaling 165.6 +/- 118.8 minutes). Patients received 6.2 +/- 4.6 homeopathic prescriptions. Migraine severity showed marked improvement with a large effect size (Cohen’s d = 1.48 after 3 months and 2.28 after 24 months. QoL improved accordingly (Mental Component Score and Physical Component Score after 24 months: 0.42 and 0.45). The use of conventional treatment and health services decreased markedly. (Witt, C., et al. (2010). “Homeopathic Treatment of Patients with Migraine: A Prospective Observational Study with a 2-Year Follow-Up Period.” Journal of alternative and complementary medicine 16(4): 347-355.)

A French team conducted an observational, prospective, open, nonrandomized, noncomparative, multicenter study that involved fifty-nine (59) physicians trained in the prescription of homeopathic medicines and 168 children aged 5-15 years, with definite or probable migraine diagnosed using International Headache Society 2004 criteria. The frequency, severity, and duration of the migraine attacks decreased significantly during the 3-month follow-up period (all p<0.001). Preventive treatment during this time consisted of homeopathic medicines in 98% of cases (mean=2.6 medicines/patient). Children spent significantly less time out of school during follow-up than before inclusion (2.0 versus 5.5 days, respectively; p<0.001). (Danno K Fau – Colas, A., et al. “Homeopathic Treatment of Migraine in Children: Results of a Prospective, Multicenter, Observational Study.” J Altern Complement Med. 2013 Feb;19(2):119-23.)

An open-label single-arm study was recently conducted in India. One hundred cases of migraine were treated, and each case was followed up for 6 months. Patients were enrolled as per predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Enrolled cases were treated as per homeopathic principles, and treatment response was assessed using the MIDAS questionnaire. The overall mean score of MIDAS at baseline was 82.57 ± 17.50, which reduced to 43.08 ± 8.66 at three months and 15.22 ± 6.01 at six months. The research team concluded that homeopathic medicines are effective in providing relief to these patients and significantly reducing the MIDAS scores in all cases. Significant relief can be found within 3 to 6 months of treatment. (Trigotra, D., Efficacy of homoeopathic medicines in cases of migraine – An open-label study.  Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research. Vol. 11. Issue 2. February 2023)

It is important to note that homeopathic medications have few, if any, side effects compared to conventional medicines. Migraine sufferers should  consider a homeopathic approach, given the chronic and disabling nature of the disorder.

Todd Hoover, MD