AIH Monthly News – August 2024

AIH Monthly Newsletter

August 2024

I hope your summer has treated you all well and you have enjoyed the season.  Your American Institute of Homeopathy board of directors meets on the third Tuesday of each month.  Our last meeting was last Tuesday, August 20th, 2024.  There are a lot of things going on and we wanted to take this moment to bullet point our key projects for you.  

  1. Moving AWAY from the old Listserve and using ONLY  Effective August 31, the old listserve will be disabled.  Moving forward we are using the new platform.  If you have not logged on please let us know.  You can reply to this email and I will then send you a new request  to join.  The new platform works much the same as the old one. You can use the email ( to send a message directly from your email.   You can also log onto a platform.  This allows you to control the amount of times you receive a message to your inbox (each time something is sent, daily, weekly etc).  In the platform you will also be able to see all message ever sent and search them, you will find a directory of others on the platform and an updated events calendar.  As I said before if you are having trouble using it let us know and we can make sure to get you plugged in.  These conversations are highly valuable to us all.
  1. Continuing Education: We are continuing to work incredibly hard on our conference.  We have also had great webinars and have more to come.  You can read below for more details.
  2. National Homeopathic Products Certification Board: This is a project formally known as the Seal Project.  The AIH has charged the NHPCB to move forward as its own 501c3 organization.  The AIH oversees the NHPCB and the NHPCB board members must be AIH members. The project has shifted from providing a seal to products who met quality manufacturing standards to first seeking formal standards recognized by ANSI (American National Standards Institute).  Seeking formal standards was proposed by the FDA.  The plan of the NHPCB is to use NSF ( to help the entire homeopathic community come together to create these manufacturing standards.  This means that the NSF will create a 21 member team that represents the entire homeopathic industry (7 manufactures, 7 users including physicians, 7 from regulations).  From that point they will move forward creating standards that will be adopted for all homeopathic manufactures.  This is a huge project and may lead to many questions.  Please let us know if you have any questions.  
  3. Membership: our membership has been consistently around 100 people.  Our goal is to grow that.  If you know anyone who you think should be a member send them our way.  We are updating the process of renewing and becoming a new member this month.  
  4. Misc: We formed a few other committees including a PR/Social, Bylaws, AI and fundraising.  If you are interested in helping to volunteer in any of these let us know!  As they are just forming we will let you know more of what they are doing in the future.  

We thank you for your support and dedication to the AIH and to homeopathy.  We value your thoughts, should you have questions please reach out to us.

Dr. Lisa Amerine
President, American Institute of Homeopathy

Up Coming Events and Announcements:

See the calendar below for upcoming events.  For more details about each of these events log on to you to your groups calendar

August 26, 2024: – Early Bird Discount for the Collaborative Homeopathic Conference Ends.  Click Here to register and don’t forget the additional $50 AIH membership code (AIH2024CONF)

September 20-22, 2024: A Collaborative Homeopathic Conference – Sonoran University or Virtual.

October 2-5, 2024: LMHI Congress

October 19, 2024: AIH Webinar: The world of homeopathic manufacturing: how the FDA guidance and white papers are affecting things. Robert Melo, MD

There are nearly 150 people registered for this amazing conference!

You and your friends are all invited to join us for our first Collaborative Homeopathic Conference!  This event is held at Sonoran University in Tempe, Arizona.  There is a virtual option as well but if you can be there in person we would LOVE to see you!

As an AIH Member you will receive an additional $50 off if you use the code: AIH2024CONF

If you missed the hour webinar that George Dimitriadis did as a preview of what to expect watch the video below.

This FREE lecture will be a preview to our upcoming September collaborative conference at Sonoran University. George Dimitriadis will present an analysis of a complex case requiring a sequence of remedies prescribed using the TBR2 repertory with reference to primary sources of both the homoeopathic and old school toxicological reports. The case is of a multi-morbid post-CVA (cerebrovascular accident) of a 66 year old woman presenting with tiredness marked by episodes of faintness, memory loss, almost constant headache, and insomnia. Treatment involved a succession of 5 remedies over the course of two years. We will examine the indications and pharmacographic support for each remedy, and even learn something from giving one remedy which proved to be wrong.

Did You Miss The Last AIH Webinar?

The August webinar hosted by the AIH was a huge success.  Dr. Aditya Pareek and Dr. Alok Pareek are renowned presenters and it was a great lecture.  They discussed the approach and methodology several cases.  This seminar is practical and aims to share clinically useful information verified in a large practice over three generations of homeopathic physicians:

To view this webinar you MUST be a current AIH member.  You can click on this link to take you to the webinar.  Remember you must be a current AIH member and you must use your AIH username and password (that is likely different than the page) to log in first.  Let us know if you have any questions.  It is worth watching!

LMHI Updates

The LMHI is actively preparing for their 77th annual congress in Seville, Spain.  The dates this year are October 2nd – 5th.  The line up is always amazing and if you are looking for great homeopathy and great community and connection with others who also love homeopathy this is a place to be.  One of the things I love about LMHI is the connection and excitement and passion felt for homeopathy.  Click here for more information and for steps for registration. Perhaps you and a friend can come together and represent the US at one of the finest homeopathic gatherings.

The latest edition of the Homeopathic Physician was released this week.  I encourage you to read it, again as you will find great articles.

New Homeopathy Research Regarding Psoriasis

An estimated 7.5 million to 8 million people in the United States and about 125 million worldwide suffer from psoriasis, representing a significant health burden. Two recent studies, summarized here, explore whether homeopathy can help these patients.

Researchers in India recently published the results of a 6-month, double-blind, randomized trial conducted on 51 patients suffering from psoriasis at the National Institute of Homoeopathy, India – using individualized homeopathy.

Their findings:
Individually prescribed homeopathic medicines exhibited better results than placebos in the treatment of psoriasis.

Source: Balamurugan, D. et al., Individualized Homeopathic Medicines in the Treatment of Psoriasis Vulgaris: Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Complement Med Res. 2023; 30(4):317-331

The second study measured responses to homeopathic treatment using standardized disease-specific scales. The objective of the study was to evaluate patient responses to individualized homeopathic treatment of psoriasis with respect to changes in disease severity and quality of life, using the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) and Psoriasis Disability Index (PDI) scales, respectively. This study was multicentric and conducted using a pragmatic model. The study participants were regularly followed up for one year.

The results?
In total, 384 patients were enrolled, out of whom 254 participants completed one year of treatment. Of these, 84 participants continued treatment for an additional 12 months. A significant reduction was observed in the scores of PASI (10.96 ± 10.67 at baseline to 4.24 ± 5.10 at 12 months, p = 0.000), PDI (10.19 ± 9.11 to 3.91 ± 4.44, p = 0.000), and patient and physician global assessment scales.

Source: Taneja D, Sadhukhan M, Rath P, Sarangi MR, Mittal R, Prusty AK, Gilla D, Shivadikar A, Rawat B, Sadarla RK, Choubey G, Mahajan N, Bala R, Kalra N, Mukherjee A, Khurana A, Manchanda RK. Open-Label Study to Evaluate the Response to Homeopathic Treatment of Psoriasis. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine 2022; 7(3): 044

Member Spotlight

In order to do the member spotlight we need YOUR HELP! So this month instead of doing a member spotlight we are doing a member survey!  If you want to be showcased in our newsletter please fill out this survey!  If you have all ready filled out this survey THANK YOU!!!

Please share this newsletter with your colleagues.  Your referrals build our organization.