Groundbreaking Science:
Homeopathy and the Future of Global Health
UConn Conference – October 2023
This ground breaking conference was a joint effort between GIRI (Groupe International de Reherche sur l’Infenitésimal), the American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH) and The Faculty of Homeopathy (FOH). GIRI is the prestigious International Research Group on Very Low Dose and High Dilution Effects. This was their first large-scale homeopathic research conference in the US, the XXXVI GIRI meeting.

There have been few live conferences since before the COVID-19 pandemic, given that so much now takes place online. This event proved, without doubt, that the perfect combination of personal interaction and intellectual stimulation was achieved, and was greatly appreciated by everyone.
Homeopathy and the Future of Global Health, could not have been more accurate as a title; researchers and attendees hailed from all parts of the globe, whilst every aspect of research was covered including human, animal, agriculture and aqua / environmental homeopathy. The results of much of the research was proof of how successful a healing modality homeopathy is, whilst giving insight to the scope of development to come, through continued research. It would be impossible to cover each of the brilliant presentations in depth, rather, what follows is an overview of the event, focusing on some highlights in each category of research.