Prior Webinar Videos

The American Institute of Homeopathy is happy to be able to provide public access to our past webinars. These webinars contain a wealth of information concerning homeopathy and are sure to be a value.

However, some webinars are held periodically which are limited to AIH members only. Some of these video can be purchased by Non-members by using the links shown for those videos.

If you’d like to become a member, and have access to all of our prior webinars, then complete the membership application today!

Please sign in to ensure you have access to all the webinar videos.

Hecla Lava

Presented by Timothy Fior, MD, DABHM

Jun 10, 2023

What can we Learn from Hahnemann’s Historic Cases for treating Today’s Pandemics?

Presented by Can A. Ikram, HP, C.Hom., M.A., MBA
April 22, 2023

Our experience with Q-potencies treating pediatric oncological patients

Presented by Dr. med. Dario Spinedi

February 2023

Bio: Dr. med. Dario Spinedi – Chief Physician – Homeopathic Doctor
  • Born 1950
  • Study of medicine in Zurich
  • 1977-1991 Attended the Zurich lectures and regular supervision sessions with the homeopathic Dr. Jost Künzli von Fimmelsberg
  • Since 1998 direction of supervision groups and lecturer at the Augsburger three-months homeopathy courses
  • 1993 Founded a homeopathic school in Ticino (CH)
  • 1997 Founder and chief physician of the homeopathic Clinica Dr. Spinedi
Dr. Spinedi shares his acquired knowledge in numerous international seminars. Seminar transcripts are assembled in several published books

Organon Preceptorial Organon Aphorisms 1 – 18

Presented by Joel Shepperd, MD

April 10, 2022

Topic: Organon Preceptorial, Organon Aphorisms 1 – 18.

Bio: Dr. Shepperd has practiced homeopathic medicine in the Chicago area for 45 years. He is a partner at the Center for Integral Health, Lombard, Illinois and Co-founder of the Illinois Homeopathic Medical Association. He has published many articles in the AJHM and other journals. Dr. Shepperd is adjunct professor at the National University of Health Sciences and author of the textbook “Hahnemann’s Organon for Students.”

“Gestalt in the Organon”

Presented by Joel Shepperd, MD

March 12, 2022

Topic: Characteristic symptoms, Totalities, Wholes, and Gestalts are explored with references to specific aphorisms.

Bio: Dr. Shepperd has practiced homeopathic medicine in the Chicago area for 45 years. He is a partner at the Center for Integral Health, Lombard, Illinois and Co-founder of the Illinois Homeopathic Medical Association. He has published many articles in the AJHM and other journals. Dr. Shepperd is adjunct professor at the National University of Health Sciences and author of the textbook “Hahnemann’s Organon for Students.”

Member Benefits

The American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine is published quarterly as a digital edition and once a year in print.   The digital online  versions are available in the Members’ Only section of website.

Participation in Members Only Yahoo group for online discussions (optional) regarding clinical, research, political and other homeopathic matters.

Publication of your information (optional) in the online directory of practitioners (see the Find a Licensed Homeopathic Practitioner link).   The online directory is promoted regularly on social media.

Access to the Members Only section of the website which is continually updated with interesting documents and recorded webinars.

Discount registration fees for all AIH conferences/seminars.

Representation at the legislative and regulatory levels of government through the AIH  membership on the Policy Council of the Integrative Healthcare Policy Consortium.

A voice in the organization through voting privileges for Active Members.

An opportunity to be elected to the Board of Trustees of the American Institute of Homeopathy.

Automatic membership in the Liga Medicorum Homœopathy Internationalis, the renowned international homeopathic medical league (est. 1925), renewed annually, which brings you directly the bi-annually published LMHI newsletter and The Liga Letter

The opportunity to attend LMHI International Congresses in a different country each year, held annually.

Other Discounts for all AIH Members

OHM Pharma

Discounts available for AIH members to OHM pharma, homeopathic pharmacy only for practitioners and their patients. Remedies not available to the public nor in Amazon, strictly professional.

Washington Homeopathic Products

25% discount off all orders for homeopathic remedies from Washington Homeopathic Products.