Presented by Nicholas Nossaman, MD, DHt
December 10, 2017
The experience of being sick can vary from temporary indisposition to devastating chronic illness. The accompanying symptoms can be transitory and mild or unrelenting, long lasting, and tormenting. Accordingly, meaninglessness and lack of control, with a resulting feeling of powerlessness, often accompanies the illness experience. In this presentation we’ll try to look behind the curtain into the world of archetypes, and search beyond symptoms, to their potential symbolic meaning. Any success in this venture will help us gain consciousness and a measure of relief, as well as contributing to the individuation process.
Bio: Nicholas Nossaman, MD, DHt – Graduated from the University of Colorado School of Medicine, 1968, Internship at Hennepin County General in Minneapolis, 1968-1969, Indian Health Service 1969-1971 on the Navajo Reservation, Crownpoint, New Mexico. Practicing homeopathic medicine since 1976 in Denver, Colorado. Board Certified in homeopathic medicine, former board member and president of the National Center for Homeopathy, former board member and president of the American Institute of Homeopathy (currently serving on the board once again) and formerly a member of the Rhus Tox study group of Homeopatia Internationalis for over 20 years.