“The Kolisko Validation Method”

Presented by Ross Rentea MD

May 4, 2018

Presented by Ross Rentea MD, Medical Director of the Paulina Medical Clinic And President of the Kolisko Institute for Anthroposophical Medicine.

Topic: This research project focuses on the demonstration of the influence of ultra-high diluted substances on biological substrates. The consequences are far reaching enabling not only a new method to determine the quality of a homeopathic product before it is released to consumers but also ultimately to determine which potencies are to be used for specific cases.

Bio: Ross Rentea MD, has been practicing with potentized remedies (homeopathic and anthroposophic) for over 40 years. After graduating from the University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine, and after his residency in NYC, he spent five years in Europe studying anthroposophical medicine at the Lukas Klinik in Switzerland, and the Klinik Oeschelbronn in Germany. Together with his wife he then started the Paulina Medical Clinic in Chicago in 1983.

He is a co-founder of the Illinois Homeopathic Medical Association. He is a former Board member of the American College for Anthroposophic Medicine, a member of the American College of Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) and member of the Anthroposophical Society. His additional activities include hundreds of lectures, training seminars, webinars and workshops to professional and lay groups. He has been an editor of the Journal for Anthroposophic Medicine, and has published articles in peer-reviewed medical journals. Recently he published, as principal author, the book Childhood Illnesses and Immunizations.

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