Depression is a condition that varies in intensity and duration and can appear at any decade of life, and according to the National Institute of Mental Health, the occurrence of depression in children is increasing. Research on the treatment of depression in children and adolescents with conventional antidepressants has shown them to be ineffective. In fact, the FDA has found an increase in suicidal risk in children and adolescents treated with conventional antidepressants. (i)
Symptoms of depression include changes in mood, sadness, indifference to things that are usually pleasurable, and a decrease in the usual level of functioning. Often, there are changes in functioning of biological processes like sleep, appetite, energy, and libido. At times, these functions will decrease; at other times, they will increase.
It is essential to keep in mind that there are no homeopathic remedies for depression per se; that is, homeopathic remedies are for patients who suffer from depression. The totality of the patient’s particular symptoms must be taken into account with each individualized prescription. One person may be depressed and yet have increased sleep while another will be sleepless; one will have increased appetite while another has decreased appetite. Therefore, it is imperative that the patient is treated by an experienced practitioner who will consider the totality of the symptoms; otherwise, the chances of depression improving with homeopathic treatment will decrease.
There are many reports of the treatment of depression over 230 years of homeopathy. However, even though the particular cases are strong from a clinical standpoint, they are still anecdotal from a conventional perspective.
While research in the treatment of patients with depression is limited, several studies have been conducted. We review a few of them here.
- Adler et al. conducted a trial on homeopathic individualized Q-potencies versus Fluoxetine [ProzacTM) for moderate to severe depression. It was a double-blind, randomized, non-inferiority trial. The study demonstrated the feasibility of randomized, controlled, double-blind trials of homeopathy in depression. It indicated the non-inferiority benefit of individualized homeopathic Q-potencies as compared to fluoxetine in acute treatment of outpatients with moderate to severe depression. (ii)
- Grimaldi-Bensouda et al. looked at the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment on patients with anxiety and depression disorders (ADDs). Patients who chose to consult GPs prescribing homeopathy reported less use of psychotropic drugs and were marginally more likely to experience clinical improvement than patients managed with conventional care. (iii)
Researchers have concluded that homeopathy may be helpful in the treatment of some patients with anxiety or depression, either as an adjunctive treatment or as a sole treatment in patients who specifically request it. The clinician must weigh the risks and benefits of a homeopathic intervention, especially in situations when there are demonstrably effective conventional treatments and when the patient is either acutely psychotic or suicidal.
- Adler UC, Paiva AT, et al. Homeopathic Individualized Q-Potencies versus Fluoxetine for Moderate to Severe Depression: Double-Blind, Randomized Non-Inferiority Trial Calil Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011; 2011: 520182.
- Grimaldi-Bensouda, L et al. Homeopathic medical practice for anxiety and depression in primary care: the EPI3 cohort study BMC Complimentary and Alternative Medicine 2016 May 4;16(1):125.