American Institute of Homeopathy
Why Donate To AIH? Here’s Why We Matter to Homeopathy and Why We Need Your Support.
- Working with Americans for Homeopathy Choice, AIH is playing an active and vital role in supporting efforts by both practitioners and consumers who use homeopathy, to work with the FDA and other regulatory agencies to protect access to properly labeled and manufactured homeopathic products.
- We house the most extensive publicly available curated list of homeopathic research studies in the world and update that list at least quarterly.
- We are working to change the way the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Medicine (NCCIM) communicates about homeopathy.
- One of our members is responsible for dramatic improvements in the way describes homeopathy. This website is the only clinical decision support resource associated with improved outcomes and is very popular among licensed physicians in the U.S. and around the world.
- We regularly host 90-minute webinars for allopathic and naturopathic medical schools on the latest in homeopathic research, featuring top researchers in the field.
- We serve as a frontline resource when the media has questions about homeopathy.
And that’s just a partial list.
To continue this work, we need your financial support today. Please contribute whatever you can afford. Thank you!
Donate to the American Institute of Homeopathy
The AIH is a tax-exempt organization, but Donations made to the AIH are not tax deductible.
American Institute of Homeopathy Foundation
The American Institute of Homeopathy Foundation is a 501C3 organization. All contributions are tax deductible in accordance with current tax law. Please consult your accountant for more specific information.
The American Institute of Homeopathy Foundation was formed in 1993 with the mission of advancing Health Care through Homeotherapeutics. Through grants, it has helped to fund educational programs, conferences and seminars sponsored by the American Institute of Homeopathy to encourage more licensed practitioners to use Homeopathy in their practices and to deepen the knowledge and improve the confidence of established practitioners.
Please consider adding the American Institute of Homeopathy Foundation to your end of year charitable contributions. You may also contribute by designating the AIHF as your charity of choice in the Amazon Smile program. In this program a small percentage of every Amazon order you place is sent to AIHF without adding anything to your cost. Just use when ordering. The first time you will need to choose your charity. Just type in American Institute of Homeopathy Foundation and hit SEARCH. The Foundation should come up.
Including the American Institute of Homeopathy Foundation in your estate planning is another way to make sure homeopathy continues to thrive as an important part of medical practice.
Donate to the American Institute of Homeopathy Foundation
The AIHF is a tax-exempt organization, and Donations made to it are tax deductible.