About Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI)
FOUNDED: Rotterdam, 10 September 1925, by fourteen homoeopathic physicians from nine countries. American Dr. Roy Upham was its first President. The LMHI was established under the terms of Swiss civil law with Geneva designated as its registered office.
” . . . the development and securing of Homoeopathy worldwide . . . the creation of a link between homoeopaths with medical diplomas and between societies and persons who are interested in homoeopathy.”
1. Institutional Members: National homoeopathic organizations and institutions.
2. Individual Full Members: physical persons that are physicians, veterinary surgeons and dentists with a full medical, veterinarian or dental qualification of a State University or any other Licensing authority duly recognized by the government of the country in which they practice and who have had special education in homoeopathy and hold any kind of diploma recognized by the association. Voting.
3. Associate Members: all persons with qualifications recognized nationally, who have undertaken homoeopathic training recognized by the LMHI, such as pharmacists, medical students, chemists, and all persons who are licensed healthcare providers such as naturopaths, nurse practitioners, physician’s assistants, and generally, persons who by their profession can contribute to homoeopathy, such as scientists, researchers, and authors. Nonvoting
Function: A permanent link between International Council and the national homoeopathic organizations, he/she is a voting member of the Council. Assistant National Vice President is nonvoting.
Election: Nominated by the respective country’s national homoeopathic professional organization(s), the licensed homoeopathic medical doctor is elected by the International Council, which meets annually.
Term: Three years. Eligible for re-election.
The Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis’ Statutes succinctly state the purpose or object of the Liga:
The purpose of the LMHI is the development of homoeopathy worldwide and the creation of a link between homoeopaths with medical diplomas and also between societies and persons who are interested in homoeopathy.
In 1925 and 1927, when the Liga was being conceived and created, as homoeopathic physician and historian, Dr. Diwan Harish Chand, quoted in his article on the history of the Liga, the aims and objects of the League were summarized as:
First of all, every homoeopathic physician should belong to the League affiliation of his country. The aim of the League was to unify under one nominal head all of the homoeopathic institutions of the world . . . A League representative was needed in every country all over the world. In that way, the strong countries could help the weak; the weak could give one or two suggestions to the strong, and homoeopathy could be made a world institution.
I. International Council
A. Composition: Each country or nation is entitled to elect/have one National Vice President. If a country or nation does not possess an institutional member, then the individual members of such country or nation are entitled to elect one representative to the International Council.
B. Powers: Election of Executive Committee and the National Vice Presidents; appointment of Working Committees; election of new members; setting of annual fees, approving of annual report of the Executive Committee, the Budget and the Report of the Auditor; modification or amendment of the Constitution; ratification of the Procedures; dissolution of the association and disposition of its property; passage of resolutions concerning business that is reserved for the International Council by the Constitution, the Law or the Procedures.
II. Management and Administration
A. Executive Committee
1. Composition: The President, the Immediate Past President, the Vice President, General Secretary, the other Secretaries and the Treasurer.
2. Powers: Management of the business of the association, exercising all powers of the association except those explicitly reserved for the International Council in the Constitution.
B. General Secretariat
1. Composition: The General Secretary and one or more Secretaries (8 now)
2. Powers: Administration of the association, as well as informing the members. The General Secretariat is subordinated to the Executive Committee.
III. The Auditor
A. Composition: Two individual or associate members elected by the International Council at its annual meeting for a term of one year.
B. Powers: Checking of the accounting of the association and submission of a written report to the International Council on the Annual Balance Sheet giving a result of their audit.
There are three classes of members in the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis Institutional Members, Individual Full Members, and Associate Members. Additionally, persons may be granted Honorary Membership for having given outstanding honor to homoeopathic science or having rendered noteworthy service to the LMHI.
Institutional Members are National Homeopathic Organizations and Institutions. Persons whose national homoeopathic organization pays collective LMHI dues are members by virtue of that assocation. These Active Members are medical/osteopathic physicians, veterinary surgeons, and dental surgeons with a full degree in the respective field from a National University, Faculty, Examining Board or Licensing Authority recognized by the government of the country of their citizenship and practice. A homoeopathic physician, veterinary surgeon or dental surgeon is a graduate, licensed practitioner who has obtained special training in homoeopathy for which he possesses LMHI recognized diploma(s) and who applies the Law of Similars in his practice. These members are voting members.
Individual Full Members are persons possessing the qualifications described under Active Members above whose country does not have a national organization through which they can obtain Institutional Membership. Any person residing in a country having neither a national organization nor a National Vice President must apply directly to the Prime General Secretary, who will request of him his references. His admission to membership is decided by two-thirds majority of the International Council.
Associate Members are all other persons with qualifications recognized nationally, who have undertaken LMHI recognized homoeopathic training. These include pharmacists, medical students, mathematicians, chemists, physicists, licensed naturopaths, nurse practitioners, physician’s assistants and generally all who are able by their endeavors to advance homoeopathy. These members are non-voting members. Any person residing in a country having neither a national organization nor a National Vice President must apply directly to the Prime General Secretary, who will request of him his references. His admission to membership is decided by two-thirds majority of the International Council. Excerpted from the Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis Membership
Website: http://liga.iwmh.net/
Brochure, by Sandra M. Chase, MD, DHt, and Diwan Harish Chand, MBBS, MDHom, FFHom (Lond) © 08/01.

LIGA 2010, 65th Congress Proceedings (on DVD) $85.
The Proceedings of the Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis 65th Congress, Redondo Beach, May 2010, are available here. Proceedings include powerpoint presentations and written lectures from the wide array of speakers and researchers that presented at the conference. This DVD is packed with peer reviewed research and some of the greatest homeopathic speakers in the world. The Congress included 100 presenters from 23 countries. This DVD is a great way to access the information presented if you were not fortunate enough to attend. For a list of additional presentations available only on the CD, Click here.
Online Purchase Form
1 copy/copies of the 65th Congress Proceedings at $85 per copy.
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The Following LIGA 2010 presentations were not included in the CD distributed at the Congress. These presentations are available for download now by clicking on the title of the presentation you wish to view and then saving a copy of the PDF to your computer. These presentations will be included in the final proceedings of the congress and will be added to the current presentations on the final CD for any future purchases. Links will appear as Presentations become available.
Bannerjee, Kushal and Kalyan: Advanced Homeopathy Protocol – PPT
Campora, Carlos : Evidence-Based Homeopathy With Cases Of Severe Auto-Immune Disease – Txt
Chaplin, Martin: That Spirit-Like Force : Homeopathy And The Physics Of Water – PPT
Fisher,Frye And Riley : Polishing And Publishing Your Manuscript (No PDF Available).
Herscu, Paul : New Insights Into Constitutional Types Of Children (No PDF Available).
Jain, Tarkeshwar : A Video Case Of Cerebral Palsy With Follow-Up – PPT
Jonas, Wayne : Science And Homeopathy : A Critical Perspective (No PDF Available Per Author)
Kayne, Lee : The Developing Role Of The UK Homeopathic Pharmacist – PPT
Klinkenberg, Carl: The Boenninghausen Method – Secure Remedy Choice in Severe Diseases – PPT
Majmundar, Keyur : Cancer : The Mind-Body Nexus – PPT
Petrucci, Roberto : Dynamic Methodology – PPT (No PDF Available)
Pushpalatha, V.: Organon: From the Precursor to the Latest – Txt
Pushpalatha, V : Organon: From the Precursor to the Latest – PPT
Robinson, Karl : Hering’s Laws Of Cure (No PDF Available)
Rowe, Todd : Assessing The Health Of The United States Homeopathic Community – PPT
Schmidt, Josef : 200 Years Organon Of Medicine : A Comparative View On Its Six Editions – PDF TXT
Schmidt, Josef : 200 Years Organon Of Medicine Presentation – PPT
Thakkar, Sadhana : The Snakes (No PDF Available Per Author)
Von Ammon, Klaus: Homeopathy: Between Science And The Humanities – PPT
Warkentin, David : From Mental. Emotional To Peculiar : A Method For Remedy Selection – PPT
Weinstein, Corey : The Materia Medica Of Incarceration In America – TXT
Bannerjee, Sanjoy: Modern Conception of Cancer – Its Homeopathic Approach – Poster
Lovepreet, Lovely : The Theme of the Time is Paediatric Disorders – poster
Ruiz Duran, Maria del Rosario : Homeopathic Medicine on Malaria Treatment – poster
Swaminarayan, S and Varshney, J P: Homeopathy in Veterinary Science – poster